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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Lily, Solomon, David, Jan, Gill




1. Apologies from Evans, (called to a heads meeting in Eldoret) & Corr.

2. Lilly chaired the meeting in Evans absence.

3. Lilly thanked all for attending and specially welcomed Gill MA who was only spending 2 days in Kenya.

4. Minutes already circulated and read were approved by Lilly and seconded by DM

5. Matters arising from minutes.

a. Teachers /Salaries/in-service training. 
i. GMA proposed that the 2 trust teachers be given the same salary as the Govt appointed teachers and that the TRUST top up the salaries of the BOG teachers to 12,000/- per month. The BOG was asked to forward a proposal to this effect.
ii. It was ascertained that in-service training could be obtained. It was proposed that the TRUST help with further training of teachers and also with the training of the unqualified teachers.  The BOG was asked to put a proposal in writing to this effect.
b. Computers.
i. Lilly returned the 3rd computer supplied by the TRUST, repaired, and stated that it was quite fragile and should not be moved.  She stated that her very talented adopted son had loaded all 3 computers with windows, an accounting programmed and a library system. The trustees extended their thanks to him.
ii. The three computers had been allocated, to the library the accountant and the Head/secretary.  Peter Kuingui had been trained to use the library system.
iii. Lily explained the future plans of the govt to have IT/digital systems in place in local govt etc.  She stated that there would be satellites installed for internet access and that there were plans to have “digital villages” and that she was very involved in this and would keep us updated. She also stated that there would be considerable funding for this by the Govt.
iv. Now that the school had electricity, the IT element of the school must be addressed. The BOG were asked to present a 2/3 yr. plan to include costing for equipment and IT accredited personnel for the installation of a computing network system in the school  also to indicate what funding would be available from the govt.. Lily stated that she was in a position to obtain the information needed for this plan.

6. Evaluation of projects:-
a. GMA asked for a completion report to be filled in for all the projects.
b. Electricity, now installed after 4 month delay from KP&L to actually connect the power despite having received payment.
c. Water. The tank was unfinished and the contractors had requested an extra Ksh. 26,450/- It was agreed to pay this but further discussion was halted as Evans was not available to up date us.
7. Bursaries. Val reported that the Trust had covered the 1st yr. Bursaries by using the vire from the 3rd teacher and that the proceeds form the Bike Race would cover the EAWL ones.
8. Partnership with Langley school. GMA reported that this project was on going although slow. If students did come to the school DM said that we would be able to provide accommodation on Green Park, although camping was considered and decided that this was a good option.
9.  Hells Gate Report; GMA said she had not received it. JS apologized and a duplicate one was requested.
10. In-service Training. GMA said that Norma and ano were willing to come to the school on 12th Sept. and run an in-service Training day on “improvement and strategic planning in a school” Solomon said they would all be pleased to do this and GMA asked if the BOG'S could also be there.
11. Brochures.  GMA said that Heritage had agreed to run another print of brochures and asked if the text could be updated.  Lilly said that she would try to do this with Evans.
12. GMA said that messrs. Bush and Picken were interested in the school and would be visiting on 28th Sept if this was Ok with Evans.  She said that there may be funding from this source.
13. Project Proposals.  In Evans absence, Solomon said that they desperately needed a Girls dormitory to be built.  Lilly stated that she might be able to get funding for this through a gender project.  Evans was requested to forward any proposals that the BOG had planned.

There was no AOB

Job allocation

* Lilly
a. Project proposal for networking School
* Evans and Lilly
o editing of text for brochure to be e mailed to JS ASAP
* Evans
b. Proposal for TRUST for upgrading of teachers salaries. To be done quickly and e mailed to JS
c. Proposal for further education for existing teachers.
d. To negotiate with contractors for water harvesting.
e. To send further project proposals to JS
