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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Ben Howland, Johnnie Morris, Will Jones, Gill Marshall-Andrews





Present: Ben Howland, Will Jones, Johnnie Morris, Gill Marshall-Andrews,

Apologies: Norma Empringham, Heather Flint,  Tim Flower, Tom Marshall-Andrews,  Luke Morris

In attendance:  Tony Fitzjohn, Anne Harrison, Diane Ellis

Johnnie Morris took the chair in Norma Empringham’s absence.

1.  Minutes of meeting on 16 October 2007  were agreed.

2.  Welcome to Anne Harrison and Diane Ellis who came to talk about Buheezi School in Uganda.
3.  Update on local trusts.

Eburru Secondary School
The school continues to prosper. Funds have been sent for inservice training, a master plan, 2008 cohort of bursaries and salary increments for TAS teachers.  Further proposals are expected for a science block and the next 2 year contract for 2 teachers.

Green Park School
The building progresses slowly.  The GPS trustees have asked for changes to the internal layout which may delay things. They are still trying hard to find a way of arranging transport for those children who are walking backwards and forwards to primary school every day.  This is a dangerous walk as well as a tiring one taking over 2 hours each way.  Several options for transport have been tried and none has been sustainable.  Efforts continue!

Asako Primary School
The Asako School Trust had met the day before and rough notes of the meeting were circulated.  These indicated that the headteacher was again absent so Juma and the trustees were in contact with the Education Department in Hola to request a reliable replacement.  Ali Wario will help with this after the election.
No detailed proposals were ready but estimates are as follows:

staff accommodation around £45k,
satellite phone (with one text a day for a year) £425,
metal doors and windows  £800 excl labour and transport
2 more teachers for one year  £2400

It is hoped that the detailed proposals will be ready for the January meeting.

4.  Developments at Kimphe Langano (formerly Bishangari) School
A report from Will Jones had been previously circulated.  This indicated a welcome move forward on the establishment of a school trust now that a lawyer has taken on the task.  He is to be paid out of funds held in Addis for the school and it is hoped that the trust will be established and bank account opened by February 2008. It was agreed that we should try to ‘beef up’ the trust with additional professional people.  WJ to pursue.
The school has been taken over by the government, and L’Esperance are now out of the picture.  The government have appointed a new headteacher but there is a problem about payment of the other staff in the short term. This however is a matter for the Education Bureau.
The plan is to build 5 classrooms as soon as possible.  The committee are working on specifications and tenders but a rough estimate of cost is £20k.
Estimates for bursaries for up to 10 students to go to secondary school  are being prepared.
94 desks are needed and competitive quotes are being prepared – in the region of £1600.  Journeys by Design will transfer funds for this to the TAS account.
Johnnie Morris offered a laptop provided it is cleaned up.

5. Buheezi School
Anne Harrison and Diane Ellis spoke about Buheezi School near Fort Portal in Uganda. Their report had been circulated previously.  They have funds to build a science laboratory and want to use the TAS umbrella to facilitate this. 
It was agreed that TAS would take on Buheezi School and include it on the website.  AH and DE will write the blurb for the website and for a leaflet.  They will try to establish a school trust in February 2008 when a group of them will be going out.  Johnnie Morris will be the TAS contact and may be able to go out with them to assist.
Cardiff University have been approached about a link with voluntary science teachers.  This will be pursued.

  6.  School Partnerships
Langley School in Bromley has put in a second application to DfID for a Global Partnership link with Eburru and is awaiting a decision.
Waldegrave School in Twickenham wish to support TAS on a long term basis. It is hoped that their year 7  will ‘adopt’ TAS and maintain a connection for the duration of the pupils’ time at the school ie 5 years. GMA will go into the school in January.
Ben Howland’s brother teaches at Kings Wimbledon and we will go into the school in February to ‘sell’ TAS as a school charity.

7.  Website
Our website continues to be complimented particularly on its transparency and ease of access.
There is now a new element – Starting a new Trust which contains the Step by Step Guide, a sample Trust Deed and  Sample Child Protection Policy.

6.  Finance
We have sent funds totalling £22,613 to the school trusts in the last 4 months.
We have currently around £34,000 in the bank.
Expected Gift Aid around £13k. 

7. Fund raising
We have a donor who might be willing to pay for the Asako staff accommodation.
An informal meeting with the head of HSBC Africa may be arranged within the next 2 weeks.
A contact in South Africa is being approached by a mutual friend.

8. Disbursements to local trusts
No detailed proposals were on the table so no disbursements could be agreed.  However, trustees are aware of the likelihood of substantial requests shortly.

9.  Build Africa
A meeting was held in Tonbridge Wells with this charity which conducts a school building programme in Kenya and Uganda.  The purpose of the meeting was to explore possible avenues of co-operation.  The Country Directors were present and it is hoped that GMA may be able to meet the Kenya CD in January.  In the meantime he will try to visit Eburru School to see how the school trust works there.

10.  Planned new school trusts
Buheezi School Uganda,  Madogo School in Kenya.
There is the possibility of another group wanting to support a school in Mozambique who may wish to use TAS as a vehicle. There is also the possibility of a new primary school in Naivasha.  If land can be acquired it is hoped that nearby flower farmers may contribute the building costs.  Then if the government takes over the running of the school, TAS could help by establishing a school trust.

11.  Next meeting   6.30pm Thursday 31 January 2008 at Portcullis House Room U.