Juma Ali Dido – JAD
Mark Cheriyot - MC
Anthony Gross - AFG
Mike Harries – MH
Mohamed Hassan – Head Teacher, Asako – MoH
Lissa Campbell – LC
Tony Fitzjohn – TF
Gill Marshall Andrews - GMA
Ismail F. Solola – Chairman, Board of Governors, Asako - IS
In attendence:
Jones Kidada – Head Teacher, Madogo Secondary School - JK
Abas Kunyo – Area Education Officer - AK
Chuck Bengough – Economic Housing Group - CB
Bakari Ali Komoro
Kulisa Shora Dirkicha
1. Trustees were delighted to welcome Mohamed Hassan, the new Head Teacher of Asako,as a trustee. Also welcomed to the meeting were Abas Kunyo,
the Area Education Officer, Jones Kidada the Head Teacher for Madogo Secondary School and Chuck Bengough. Appreciation was extended to all for making the
meeting despite the difficult circumstances in the country and the short notice given for the change of
venue from Garissa to Nairobi.
2. The Minutes of the meeting on 28th November 2007 were tabled and passed.
3. Matters Arising: Actions
* The problems with the lighting were discussed and it was felt the existing equipment was too
small. TF said we needed more batteries and panels and said he would buy more bulbs and
would try and fly to Asako on Friday with the equipment. TF
* The CDF did not give money for the kitchen roof. The cookers have not been used yet but JAD said
they would be used this term. It was asked for a proposal to be submitted ASAP for the roof. JAD
* Truancy. It was agreed that the teachers should go on a Friday to Garissa to pick up their salary
and return on the Sunday and to liase with KWS re transport. Teachers to go in 2 shifts to avoid too
much disruption for school – at the end of the month and the beginning. It was agreed to try this for
two months to see if staff absence improved. MoH to check all teachers have bank accounts. MoH
* MoH to look at salaries of TAS funded teachers and government funded teachers and check they
are in line with each other. MoH
4. Bursaries
Only 1 student has got the grades to go to secondary school. Once the letter of acceptance is
obtained from the Head Teacher of the chosen school with payment details this can be actioned. MoH
5. Funding
* Staff Accommodation. CB gave a presentation. It was felt that each house needed it’s own kitchen
and guttering so CB asked to do revised quote. CB would like to visit site before finalising a contract.
It was agreed to get other quotes from local contractors. Issue of whether teachers would prefer a
house made out of wood or concrete discussed.
* Satellite phone. A Thuraya SO 2510 has been bought but we are waiting for the charger.
The phone has been programmed with 5 numbers and can only text or call these numbers. JAD
will take responsibility of the phone once the charger arrives. He agreed to keep a log book of
all transmissions. JAD and LC to fix a time to communicate each day. LC to chase charger. LC
* Metal doors and windows for the classrooms. JAD had partial quote for this and is to get quote
for transport and installation and to discuss further with MoH. JAD
* Caretaker. To be discussed further at next meeting.
* Fence around the school. Exact dimensions are needed before it is possible to get a quote. JAD
6. Water
* MC said the contractor and engineer were currently in Asako putting in the solar pump for the
borehole. MC promised that within 2 weeks they would run pipes to a raised tank by the school
with a tap. The community would have to pay a small fee for the water to pay for maintenance.
* The windmill will therefore be a back up to this. MH will now send Mwaura in 2 weeks time to
Asako to lay pipes from the windmill towards the school and airstrip and to pump solidly for 2
months to see if the salinity reduces. The water to be used for cleaning the school and compound,
and for planting trees which thrive on salty water. MH
* It was agreed that if the water from the windmill was not used the windmill should be moved elsewhere.
7. Area Education Officer – Mr Abas Kungo
He stated his appreciation of the help that the Trust was giving to the school. He said he understands the problem of absenteeism but believes this was largely due to the old HT. Now the school has a new HT he is hopeful that this problem will be solved. He said he will personally supervise and visit the school when he can and he gave his commitment and assurance that standards will improve. He said that academically standards are very low and he hopes that performance will now start to improve. GMA said that she would be happy to receive an application for funding for teachers to give extra tuition / classes to further this end.
8. Asako Primary School, Head Teacher – Mr Mohamed Hassan
He said he would like to have more girls in the school and improve the standard so more children go on to secondary school. Because the results are poor some children are being moved to other schools.
9. Madogo Secondary School, Head Teacher - Jones Kidada
* The school was started in 1984. Prior to that it was a community based Harambee school. Now it is a government school. The catchment area is Bura, Bangale divisions, Madogo, some Garissa districts and some coastal districts. End of 2007 the enrolment was 420 with 2/3 boys and 1/3 girls. There are 18 teachers – 3 of whom are female. All are employed by TSE (Teachers Service Commission). The Board of Governors employs 1 teacher and the govt makes a contribution of ksh 10,000 towards his salary.
* He said the biggest problem is financial but this has improved over the last 3 years because of bursaries from the government and the CDF. The children are now in the school for 2/3 of the year but school fees, cost of uniforms etc are still a problem for many. The government has promised to fully pay for day students so this should improve. There is still a problem for boarders however. The boarding fees are around Ksh10,000/- / year and the government offers no help with this.
* There should be around 45 students per class but there are up to 50.
* They lack adequate classrooms. They currently have 10 rooms, 1 science lab, 1 library and 1 computer room with no computers. The funds are there to buy 20 computers but they are waiting for authority to go ahead and buy them.
* The priorities would be for 3 extra classrooms and an extra laboratory if the Education 3 Project does not fund it.
10. Actions
MoH to provide
Register of staff attendance / absence
Register of student attendance / absence
An inventory of all equipment, books etc
Performance review of TAS teachers
Proposal for in-service training of teachers during the holidays
Proposal for textbooks / teaching resources
JAD to get proposal for kitchen roof
TF to investigate solar power problems
AK to visit the school to support the new headteacher
MH to get pipes laid from the windpump to the school
LC to pursue detailed tenders for staff accommodation for next meeting and chase satellite phone charger.
JK (Madogo Headteacher) to investigate the establishment of a school trust to support his school.
11. The meeting ended at 3.15 p.m. and the next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 28 February 2008 at Asako.