Mon 14th Jan 2008. 10 am. Eburru Secondary School.,
Apologies received from Val Corr. Those present Morgan, GMA, JS, Evans, Solomon, Lily,
Welcome to Peter S. Hungi Education officer, Gilgil Division
GMA proposed that the minutes (already circulated and read) of Wed 12th Sept 2007 be correct.
Solomon seconded. Approved unanimously.
Matters arising.
Headmasters report.
- It was stated that it was NOT known exactly how many more students/streams the Govt. will propose for the future.
- The cash for the latrines had not yet been received
- Computers. 4 have been given 3 are working (donated by John Mututho, new MP for Naivasha)
- Eunice has not yet had her letter of employment from the Govt.
- HM reported that the BOG had expired in DEC.
- There were now 4 new members, one of whom was David Morgan; The Chairman had yet to be elected.
- HM reported that the Govt were paying more of the school fees. This meant a reduction of approx 23,000 Ksh for each student for 4 yrs.
- Overview of the 5 yr plan of school.
· These plans were inspected but it was felt that they were inadequate. It was agreed that they be retuned and that all computer aided diagrams be labeled. That there be a 3 phase plan of building.
· It was reported that the Eburru society had not agreed to the “Land Swap” Peter Hungi said that he would try to influence their decision as it was obviously of benefit to the community.
· The cost of the buildings was estimated at 50,520,000.00 Ksh
· The first phase of classrooms and a science block was 5,500,00.00. GMA said that if local Govt would fund half (constitutional development fund) of this then she would apply to TAS fund the other half.
a. IT DEV.
· 196500.00 Ksh has been received from TAS for this project. However on discussion it was realized that the project proposal was inadequate.
· Missing items:-
· Equipment for the room, including a white board.
· Preparation of room. GMA insisted that should be done to a high standard.
· Compatibility of the computers
· Networking
· Internet connection
· Printer
· Technician to carry out installation
· Technician to maintain equipment
· Teacher.
It was agreed that this proposal needs a lot more thought and expertise .
· TAS has paid for the complete 4 yrs of education for the 07 cohort and 08 cohorts. These students are to be picked on merit in order to raise the educational standard of the school. 20 students.
There is now an overpayment on this item because the government has raised its per capita funding for secondary school students. See below under AOB.
· TAS has funded Solomon for 4 yr training
· TAS has funded for Peter to receive 1 yr training.
These 2 staff are at present applying for their places.
See attached chart.
· It was reported that this project had received DIFID funding.
· Dates were suggested for the exchange of teachers ;-
o For Kenyan teacher to UK 22 April for 2 weeks
o For UK teachers to Kenya 21st July 8th Aug.
5. AOB
It was agreed to ask to vire the surplus funding for the bursaries due to the Govt subsidies. The BOG would decide how they wanted this to be used. 2 suggestions were made that more students received bursaries or books be bought.
Next meeting would be called when there was information on the IT proposal and the plans for the new buildings.