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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Juma Ali Dido, Mike Harries, Lissa Campbell, tony Fitzjohn, Mark Cheriyot, Mohamed Hassan, Kulisa Shora Dirkicha



Present:  Juma Ali Dido – JAD     
      Mike Harries – MH     
      Lissa Campbell – LC
       Tony Fitzjohn – TF     
  Mark Cheriyot - MC
      Mohamed Hassan – Head Teacher, Asako – MoH
      Kulisa Shora Dirkicha
In Attendance: MP Dr Nuh Abdi Nasir
  M. Sigei – DO of Garissa
  Mike Makau – Kolonzo Musyoka Foundation 
      Abas Kunyo – Area Education Officer - AK
      Area Councillor for Asako

Apologies:  Anthony Gross
  Gill Marshall Andrews

1. The Minutes of the meeting  on 16th January were tabled and passed.

2. Matters Arising:                  
* The cookers are now being used and KWS have donated some iron sheets for the roof and the community started work on the day of the meeting to do the roof.  Doors and windows are still needed and JAD will put a proposal in for these.
* Teacher absence has greatly improved with all teachers absent for 2 days to pick up salaries as agreed.

3. Funding
* Staff Accommodation.  Three quotes were looked at and discussed and it was agreed to choose Mataka Contractors. It was explained that the donor in England has asked for a contribution to be made from within Kenya towards the accommodation. The MP said funds may be available from the CDF or the Local Authority Trust Fund and he gave a commitment to investigate further and have a decision by 15 March. MC said he would appoint a Clerk of Works from the KWS to oversee the work. TF and MH said that between them they will try and visit Asako once a month once building starts.
* Bursaries. JAD said that the Head Teacher from Madogo has accepted two more children from Asako (although they didn’t get the required grades) so TAS will be funding 3 bursaries – for 1 girl and 2 boys, as promised. JAD to send letter from Head Teacher with payment instructions as before.
* Metal doors and windows for the classrooms.  JAD had partial quote for this and is to get quote for transport and installation.
* In-service training. It was emphasized that TAS was keen to help with this and MoH promised to provide costs and details by the next meeting. There are various government training programmes but due to lack of funds Asako has never been able to participate in these in the past. The school needs to identify its needs and then the DEO can help to organise training.
* JAD had the dimensions for the fence and LC will get a quote from Mataka.

4. Student attendance
* MoH said this has been around 95%. 
* There are currently 316 students enrolled – 95 in the nursery, and in the primary school there are 74 girls and 177 boys.
* Class 8 has been sent back to Class 7 to redo the year and improve.
* 200 children in the area are currently not in school because their parents want them to help around the house and with herding livestock.

5. Water
* Pipes had been laid from the windmill towards the school into a pit and it had been pumping but had been stopped when we were there. MH asked that it be kept on continuously and asked that the children be stopped from filling the pit with stones. This water can be used to clean the classrooms, plant trees and washing and we will assess the quality of the water again in May.  Ultimately it is hoped that this water will be used for irrigation of the shambas.
* MC said that the water from the borehole had been salty for the first few days but is now sweet. The solar pump and most of the piping are in. The tank for the tower (24,000l) and a small amount of piping still needs to be installed.
* MH said MC could use the piping left over from the windmill to connect the school to the water tower.

6. Communication
* The satellite phone was handed over to JAD. This is for his and MoH’s use to contact other trustees.
* The phone will be used for text only and will be on at 8am and 1pm every day.
* The DO said that Celtel have said they will be coming to Asako at some point.

7. Any other business
* The plans to build a classroom across the river were discussed.  It is being funded by CDF but everyone was in agreement that this was not the answer as if teachers are taken from Asako it would impact negatively on Asako by stretching resources. It was felt a boat would be a far better solution.
* Many thought a boarding facility was needed and very important. The community has put in a proposal to the DO who is considering it.  MH said TAS had to lay the foundations first and build Asako up. Once standards improved we could potentially consider it. The MP emphasized the need for staff and resources before building new structures.

8. Actions
By the next meeting MoH to provide:
> Summary of staff attendance / absence
> Summary of student attendance / absence
> An inventory of all equipment, books etc
> Performance review of TAS teachers
> Proposal for in-service training of teachers during the holidays
> Proposal for textbooks / teaching resources        
JAD to provide full quote for doors and windows of classrooms
JAD to provide full quote for doors and windows of kitchen
TF to investigate solar power problems
LC to get a quote for fence from Mataka building contractors

9. Honourable MP for Bura – Dr Nuh Abdi Nasir
The MP thanked TAS for it’s work in helping Asako and said he was looking forward to working with TAS for the next 5 years.  He had a plan to formulate policy for the education sector and was planning an informal meeting with the Area Officers for Bura. He was also planning one with the primary and secondary school Head Teachers. He wanted a synergy between the primary and secondary schools to help improve standards and asked if a representative from TAS could attend these meetings.

10. DO for Garissa – M. Sigei
The DO also thanked TAS for it’s help and said he felt confident that the standard of education would improve. He was happy that TAS was also considering helping Madogo School.  He asked if TAS would consider helping villages nearby such as Boca and Bangla. In Boca apparently there is a new Health Clinic but no staff to actually run it. It was explained that the remit of the Asako Primary School Trust is to assist Asako only and so for now TAS would only be assisting Asako.
11. The meeting ended at 1.45p.m and trustees and guests were appreciative of the lunch offered to them by the community. The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 7th May 2008 at Asako subject to confirmation from Gill Marshall Andrews.