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Minutes from Trustees Meeting




PRESENT; Jackson Olaka ,David Morgan, Cherry Ritchie.

Apologies:  Gill Marshall-Andrews

Jackson proposed the Minutes of 11th January seconded by David.

Matters Arising
1. School building.
David  has met with Masila[ the builder]  and visited the site. The walls are up and window frames in. Water and power have not yet been connected .There is also a problem with the drainage. As this was sited on the upper side of the building for some reason the builder will have to excavate to a deeper level .
As regard the interior of the building the Trustees again recommended at the last meeting  that a door be installed between classroom one and two.  This has not been incorporated in the internal structure of the building  so will  not now  be able to be installed .
In David’s view the final building  design and layout  will not be what was originally planned. The building completion is behind schedule due to circumstances beyond Masila’s  control.

2.There has been no feedback from the Developers  as far as the future  school management is concerned. At present the school is closed for the holidays .

3.Finance;  Gordon Wilson has once again audited Green Park School Trust accounts and was given   a small token of thanks by Cherry.
At the meeting it was decided that until the building is completed there would be no financial  commitment  forthcoming from the Trust .
Fund Raising. Cherry to contact Palicka Bhasin about her fund raising in UK  for play equipement  in order to ascertain if the funds have been placed in the UK  account , the Trust for African schools.
No fund raising is planned at present until the Trust is aware of what is required once the school is completed.
Felix Schoeneman , the son of  Horst and Rosie Schoeneman  a resident of Green Park  visited the school whilst on holiday from Germany at Easter. The school his children attend in Germany is very interested  helping  support Green Park School  and the workings of the Trust. There are provisos that the Trust is seen to be ‘bona  fide’ and the management of the school well established. Felix took photos on his visit to the school and took a Trust Brochure back to Germany.

David came up with a good suggestion that the school should operate continually with just short  holidays  for the teachers except at Christmas when the school could have a slightly longer holiday. Perhaps two weeks at Christmas and two weeks at another time. This was suggested as the children are always at the camp and available for extra schooling and can then be kept occupied .
The teachers would need a slightly higher salary to cover this extra work.
Uniforms; As this is  proving difficult to find a tailor who can make so many for a reasonable price Cherry will buy direct from a uniform outfitters with the money she raised in UK. Once Alice has provided the numbers in each size Cherry will visit outfitters in Nairobi.

Date of next Meeting. Wednesday 30th June . To meet at the school at 3.30pm to view the building and then continue the meeting at Cherry’s house.