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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Will Jones, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews,Luke Morris, Johnnie Morris




Present:  Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Will Jones, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Luke Morris, Johnnie Morris.

Apologies:  Norma Empringham, Tim Flower

In attendance:  Diane Ellis, Anne Harrison

Heather Flint took the Chair in Norma Empringham’s absence.

1.  Minutes of the meeting on 29 November 2008 were agreed.

2.  Update on local trusts (the January newsletter giving detailed information about the schools had previously been distributed). 

We are still waiting for detailed tenders for the science laboratories and classroom block.  Estimates are that the cost of this will be in the region of £45k.  The local MP is to be asked about matched funding from the Constituency Development Fund.
The partnership with Langley School for Girls is planned to start with 2 teachers from Eburru coming over to UK in April with a return visit in July.

The good news is that there is a new headteacher Mohammed Hassan who is very committed to the improvement of the school. He has undertaken to get together proposals for funding for curriculum resources, metal doors and windows, piping to get water from the borehole to the school, a caretaker and fencing for the school.
We are still waiting for a local contractor to tender for the staff accommodation.  2 tenders received so far have both been from Nairobi based contractors and are thought to be too high – around £60k for 4 houses accommodating 8 teachers.

Green Park
The building has made no progress since mid December for various reasons – Christmas, the elections and the security situation.
The developers have agreed to recruit an Education Co-ordinator who will manage the building as an Education centre for the community.  Hopefully he / she will be able to run the nursery school and also to develop adult classes, homework clubs and sporting activities in weekends and holidays.
TAS has received £2000 ring fenced for furniture and resources for the nursery when the building is completed.

Kimphe Langano
WJ reported that the lawyer is still working on setting up a suitably constituted body.  It now looks as if it may be established as a ‘self help’ group provided the governing deed is suitable.  This is currently being translated from Amharic so an assessment can be made.
Meanwhile efforts are being made to recruit a business or professional person to join the group.
There is a meeting on 5 Feb and progress will be reported.
JM delivered a laptop to WJ to be given to Tariku Gebre who is acting as secretary of the new group.

Good progress has been made with setting up the trust. A local lawyer has drawn up the Trust Deed.  The support group are travelling out from the UK on 8 Feb and will assess the viability of the trust when they get out there. They will also evaluate the varied quotes they have had for the science laboratories.
The second quote received recently was for £30k ie double the estimate of 2 years ago.  The draft Buheesi leaflet was presented and DE will send amended copy for inclusion.

3.  Website
TM-A reported that the TAS website has Google page ranking 4 which is very high.  Trustees thanked him for his excellent work on the site.
Buheesi will go up within the next few weeks.

4.  Finance – Treasurer’s Report
BH presented the financial summary for 2007 prepared by TF.  Both were thanked by trustees for their work.
The bank balance stands at £47,238.92
Gift Aid estimate:  £12,608

5.  Proposals for funding
Funding was agreed for:
Asako -  Satellite phone £350, Travel and 2 nights’ accommodation for 3 trustees and 2 headteachers from Asako / Garissa to Nairobi for January trust meeting  £123,  Continuation funding for 4 teacher for 2008  £3600.
Total £4073.

The Kenya Government have increased the per capita funding for secondary school students with the result that the funds sent by TAS for 20 bursaries for 2008 represents an overpayment of around £750.  The Eburru Trust is requesting permission to vire this money to pay for 3 more bursaries for existing students for the rest of their school life and to use the balance for text books. This was agreed.

6.  Proposals in the pipeline – expected by Easter 2008
Eburru science laboratory and classroom block  £45k
Asako staff accommodation   £35k - £45 k
Kimphe Langano classrooms , additional teachers, bursaries
Buheesi  science laboratories £15k – £30k
Green Park  furniture and resources  £2k.

7.  Fund raising
Presentations have been made, or are planned, to several schools – Langley Park School for Girls, Waldegrave School, Kings School Wimbledon.

Funds have been received from 2 primary schools in Richmond.
A donation of £10k has been received from Alan Smith, a retired banker from Hong Kong.

It was agreed that we do not join Just Giving because they take 5% of the gross donation and there is also a monthly subscription to pay.

A letter has been sent to ICAP – an introduction was arranged by WJ.

8.  Volunteers
3 teachers from Waldegrave School want to do some voluntary work in schools during the summer holidays.  It was agreed that GMA will investigate and refer them to the local trusts.

9.  Future of TAS
There was the beginning of a discussion about how TAS might grow and develop.  It was agreed that there should be a longer discussion about this at a dedicated meeting.  GMA to speak to John Spiers prior to the meeting.

10.  Next meeting – to discuss strategy
Thursday 3 April 2008 at Portcullis House 6.30pm