1. Apologies received from Corr, Morgan, Lily,
2. Minutes already circulated were approved by JS and seconded by Solomon. Approved unanimously.
3. Matters arising, all points were in the agenda.
4. HM’s report.
· Govt. still has not paid the tuition fees, although Evans had spent many hours in meetings following up the money. The cheque is now written but still has to be signed. This has meant that ancillary staff have had to be paid off and other cost cutting exercises have had to be made.
· There are now 6 Gov. teachers 2 TAS funded teachers 1 BOG teacher.
· 197 on roll Form 1 Intake 45 students These were selected 232/500 pass marks Fm 2 45 Form 3 59 Fm 4 45 Govt policy 45-50 students per class,
5. 5 yr Dev Plan
· The Land swap issue is not resolved. The assistant Chief came to the meeting and explained the problems. He said that there is still hope that the Community will agree.
· Evans was asked to justify that a 2/3 stream secondary school was needed in Eburru.
· He stated that it was necessary as the curriculum could not be delivered adequately with only one stream and the Govt. are stipulating that this should be so.. To do this, dormitories were an absolute necessity as only 15% of the intake would come from locals within walking distance. If intake was not taken from further a field then the grades would be compromised.
· He explained that the school could have “ PROVINCIAL” status. This would give added benefits.
· FUNDING of new buildings. CDF . It must be reaslized that the CDF funding is for many projects in the district and only a small proportion of it would be allocated to Eburru Sec. if they were nominated. At a meeting with the new DEO it was noted that KESSP Kenya Education sector Support Programme, promised the school finding ? yrs ago but it was never received. It was muted that this may be revived.
· GMA said that if a percentage of the cost could come from local input it would encourage the community to be more responsible for the project. She said she was hoping to have discussions with the Kalonza Foundation as another source of co-funding.
· Priority for the new development in order to provide for a 2 stream entry in 2009:-
o Laboratories
o 4 classrooms
o Dormitory for 70 students,
6. Building of new project
· Mr. Ndiritu was invited to the meeting to discuss his plans for the new development .
· The first phase would cost £ 53000
· Mr. Ndiritu said that he could be project manager and would charge 12%
· He was asked to re-locate the buildings to the flat site.
· To obtain tenders for the building, he would send an invitation to various contractors. It was suggested that we give him the name of 2 contractors we know.
· After he left the meeting, his costs were discussed and it was generally considered that they were rather high. This was to be looked into by the Trustees and BOG
7. Use of new buildings.
· It is envisaged that vocational courses will be developed in order to train skilled staff for the community.
· Family based learning to teach needs of the family eg health
· Evening classes taught to provide revenue for the school
· In-service training for teachers.
8. IT Laboratory
· Refurbishment now complete waiting for computers
· IT teacher has been employed ,a Moi Graduate, funded by TAS. JS will go to meet him
· As computing is not on the curriculum it as suggested that he may be able to do some in service training for the staff.
9. Langley School exchange visit
· There is a separate report on this. However it is obvious that Evans and Eunice had a great educational experience and Eburru School will surely benefit from implementation of the ideas they brought back with them.
10. Teacher Training
· Solomon and Peter explained that they were too late to apply for their courses at the start of the year, they will be applying for August.
A vote of thanks was given to Solomon for holding the fort whilst Evans and Eunice were away.
There was no AOB.
GMA and Evans to pursue funding for new buildings.
JS to look into other contractors.
JS to meet new IT teacher