Anthony Gross AFG, Lissa Campbell LC, Juma Ali Dido JAD, Mohamed Hassan MOH, Wilson Njue WN, Ismail Solola IS, Kulisa Shora Dirkicha KD, Gill Marshall-Andrews GMA
Tony Fitzjohn TF, Mike Harries MH,
- The Minutes of the meeting on2 July were tabled and passed.
- Staff Housing
· The houses were inspected before the meeting by the trustees and everyone was very happy with them.
· It is felt that about 85% of the work has been completed. WN to liaise with the KWS Clerk of Works who will certify when the work is finished. The builder has gone over the allotted time but due to the difficult conditions and the quality of the housing it was felt that the penalty charge would be waived but we would retain 5% of the total cost for up to 6 months in case of any problems with the houses.
- Teachers
· MoH reported that there were only 4 teachers currently in the school. Three government teachers and one of the Trust teachers have not reported for duty this term. The other Trust teacher is leaving at the end of October to take a government position. MoH has reported the absence of the teachers to the DEO and is awaiting replacements. He said the government has promised 1 or 2 new teachers. MoH asked if the Trust could provide 2 more teachers. It was felt that we should wait until it is known how many teachers the government would provide. In theory the government provides 1 teacher for 50 children and as there are 250 children, the school would be given 5 teachers. However, in January 50 children will join the school from the pre-primary and no-one will be leaving as Year 8 are going to redo a year. Therefore there will be 300 children and so they should be eligible for 6 teachers.
· IS said that because it is a hardship posting all the teachers are short term. He asked if the 2 pre-primary teachers could be moved up to teach in the school. These teachers are from the area and therefore more likely to stay. They currently often teach in the school in the afternoons and the AEO had said that they were capable of teaching Standards 1 and 2.
· It was agreed that we should ask the DEO and the MP to ask the government for 7 teachers and in the meantime pay for training for the 2 pre-primary teachers in the holidays. AFG to draft letter to MP and DEO. MoH to discuss with SMC (School Management Committee) and to investigate training courses for the pre-primary teachers.
· GMA suggested that we bring in teachers on a temporary basis to teach and they could live in the new staff accommodation.
· GMA reiterated that the Trust would be very happy to pay teachers extra for doing extra work with the children at weekends and in the holidays.
4. Funding
· Classroom renovation. It was agreed to give the tender to Kimanzi. He has agreed to rebuild the pre-primary school for the same amount of money. AFG to draw up new contract. This is to be funded by CDF. LC to liaise with MP regarding this.
· Book bags. JAD said the local retailer was not able to sew on a logo onto the bags so LC to find more quotes from Nairobi.
· Extra-curriculum work. MoH said he has the details and will email through a proforma invoice next week for this.
· Books. MoH provided a list of books and prices needed by the school. This was agreed on so LC to submit a proposal to TAS.
· Revision books. GMA suggested they ask for specific revision books to help the children pass exams.
· Satellite phone. This currently out of credit anda proposal was submitted for a year’s airtime.
5. Windpump
· JAD asked if it could be converted to provide electricity. LC to discuss with MH.
· Kimanzi to bring a gate valve for the water from the borehole and Board of Governors to buy standpipe so the water will come direct to the school.
· MH sent report that it would be possible to deepen the well in the not too distant future. Currently, price rises and shortage of materials would make it difficult to do anything immediately.
6. Any other business
· JAD said that he and the SMC had written a letter to Zain requesting a mobile mast. AFG to write a letter to Zain to reinforce this request.
· The school have started a beehive project as a money-making scheme.
· AFG asked who owns the school and compound. He has drawn up a contract regarding the houses. A copy of this was given to MoH. The community owns the land and as it is a registered school the government is obliged to provide teachers. The contract states that the Trust is giving the houses to the community. This will be signed at the next meeting by 4 people, to include the Chief. WN to witness.
· IS said there was a problem between the local trustees as they were not communicating well together and that he and KD felt they were not being treated as equal trust members. WN offered to act as mediator after the meeting.
- Actions
- WN to liaise with CoW regarding the completion of the houses.
- MoH, JAD and LC to establish number of new government teachers to be provided and when.
- AFG to draft letter to MP and AEO asking for 7 teachers.
- MoH to discuss staffing problem with SMC and to get quote for training for pre-school teachers.
- AFG to draw up new contract for Kimanzi and LC to liaise with MP.
- LC to get more quotes for bookbags with logo
- MoH to email proforma invoice for extra-curriculum activities
- AFG to write to ZAIN requesting mast.
8. The meeting ended at 1.45pm. The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 12 November 2008. This will possibly be at Asakobut this is to be confirmed.