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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Evans Ondeiki, Janet Strevens, David Morgan, Solomon Muraya,


Minutes of Trustee’ Meting held 15th Sept. 2008
at Eburru Secondary School.

Apologies from Lily, Val Corr.
Minutes already circulated.  Evans proposed that they be accepted and Janet seconded.
Matters arising.  All points were in the agenda

1. Headmaster’s Report.
a. The new Deputy Head appointed by Govt. started in July. Charles Wainaina.  Evans reported that he was already making an impression on the school especially in terms of discipline and time management.
b. 2 more Govt. teachers were in the pipeline. This would mean 2 of the TAS assisted staff would be redundant.
c. The Govt. is considering affordable boarding education.
d. The 5 yr. plan for 3 streams  There is now no hope that a land swap could be negotiated. 
e. ½ million shillings is in the bank from the DEB for infrastructure.
f. Student intake prediction for next 2 years:-


2. The CDF fund. 
a. The DEA has said that Eburru would receive 300,000/-
b. There is a vague hope that the school might be able to have some money from the emergency fund.
3. The 5 yr building plan
a. It is envisaged that 6 million Ksh is needed to start
b. This would include 2 dormitories, 2 classrooms and a twin lab.
c. The plans of these buildings and the topographical map of the situation of these buildings has been given to a contractor who has offered to build at cost.  He is going to give us an estimate.
d. GMA reiterated that there must be at least 20% of the cost must be from local source.
4. IT Development
a. All the computers are up and running. Eva, IT teacher asked for more resources material that can be used in the lab. Gill said that she would get Langley to bring out some materials.
b. Community use.  The lab has been opened to the community for 2hrs Mon to Fri, all day Sat.
* They offer a package which will take about 2 wks. Depending on ability of student, although Excel might take longer.
* Charge is 500/- per package to cover electricity,
* Students are mainly teachers from the primary schools, 2 parents, and 2 board members.
c. GMA congratulated the school for this initiative.
d. Examination. It is possible that the exam in IT may be taken under the umbrella of Comboni Polytechnic Gilgil who have accreditation in this subject. The IT course could start in 09 with the 1st yrs.
e. It was noted that Eva, the computer teacher was leaving for another post. Evans said that to replace is not easy, it is not a matter of salary but available trained teachers.
5. Teacher Dev. 
a. Solomon has started his Teacher’s Certificate Diploma
b. Evan’s application for a masters was discussed. GMA suggested that the priority for everyone at the school at this stage should be to ensure that developments proceeded according to the 5 year plan.
 6. Langley Exchange
a. All underway. David Morgan Liaison officer.
b. GMA will ask them to bring out as much resource material on disc as possible.
c. Evans said that the British Council Rep. had visited him and said that he would like to host the visiting students together with the other teachers in the Nakuru area.  We stated that we could provide accommodation for them and a venue for a conference.
d. Football equipment desperately needed for the girl’s team.

7. AOB
* JAS proposed that Charles Wainaina be voted on the Board of Trustees in an ex officio capacity. Seconded by DM.  Unanimously accepted.
* Evans said that with the help of parent donations, they were going to purchase a photoprinter.
* GMA said that she had investigated the possibility of work experience at the Lodge for 2 school leavers.  Evans said that they could live at school for the duration and they could have transport on the Flower bus.  GMA asked for the details of the 2 students.
* GMA suggested that we vire some money from the “teachers salaries” that were now not going to be needed due to Govt. appointments and use it to purchase  some Revision books.


To pursue the possibility of taking the IT exam under the umbrella of Gilgil Polytechnic.
 To continue to search for funding or the new buildings.
Follow up the work experience , name of manager given.
To liaise with JS and DM W/Ex  and teacher exchange.
Minutes written and circulated
Buy revision books at Text book Centre and G4 them to NVS.
Get plans and topographical map to Dickie
Meet with Evans to adjust cheques.for TAS assisted teachers
To collect the books from  NVS and get them to the school.
To oversea the teacher exchange with Langley.
To continue to search for funding to match the Trust donation for the new buildings.
Work experience ?
To get details of books to JAS needed for his course