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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Norma Empringham, Ben Howland, Heather Flint, Tim Flower, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Johnnie Morris, Will Jones, Gill Marshall-Andrews




Present:  Norma Empringham, Ben Howland, Heather Flint,  Tim Flower, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Johnnie Morris, Will Jones, Gill Marshall-Andrews

Apologies:  Luke Morris

1.  Update:  The draft newsletter outlining progress in the schools had been previously circulated and was discussed.  In particular the partnership with Kenya Wildlife Service was welcomed.  The idea is that TAS will seek separate funds for  salary for someone to work within KWS to develop and support more trusts on the TAS model.  KWS have agreed the job description and will look for suitable recruits to be interviewed in January. The proposed strategy is to concentrate on the very poor Eastern Region schools where we have already established two trusts – Asako and Madogo – and where the MP has in principle agreed to contribute 50% of building costs.

It is possible JM and maybe NE might be able to come out then to participate in interviews.

VSO in Nairobi were very helpful and will try to find suitable people to interview from their pool of returning volunteers.

Meetings with Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation  did not materialise so partnership with them is not an option at this stage.

2.  School Partnerships

The Eburru / Langley partnership proceeds.  2 teachers from Langley are due to go out at half term in 2 weeks time.

The Madogo / Waldegrave partnership is being processed.  Application will be made to DfID next week.

3.  Finance

TF produced a financial summary.  It shows that we have raised around £175k (including Gift Aid)  since Jan 06 and distributed £128k.  We have £44k (including potential Gift Aid) for distribution. A Gift Aid claim will be made shortly.

A dollar account has been opened to receive $19000 from Journeys by Design.  This most generous donation was greatly welcomed.  The funds are earmarked for a 4 classroom block in Kimphe Langano in Ethiopia.

4.  Project funding

Details of projects requiring funding are on the website. 

It was agreed to send funds as follows:

Asako -  Nursery salary increase x 2       £100

               Satellite phone for 1 year          £107

               Trustee meetings                       £600

               Books etc                                  £755

Total                                                        £1562

Madogo    Trustee meetings x 4             £1700

Buheesi   Additional funding for laboratory or other items as required up to £6k (this is the Gift Aid on the £20k donation from Di Ellis)

It was agreed in principle that 50% of Phase 1 development at Madogo should be funded.  At present this consists of refurbishment of the boys dormitory ( burnt out in July) and 2 classrooms, costing together £30700.  So TAS contribution would be £15350. 

If a laboratory is added to this phase one development then we will consider this at the next meeting.

It was agreed that no funds would be sent out till the local contribution via CDF was in place.

 The Asako Phase 1 development consisting of staff accommodation, classroom renovation and 2 new nursery classrooms – total cost £58,400- should continue.  TAS has paid £46k for staff accommodation and the MP has guaranteed to fund the classroom renovation and nursery school -£12400.  The local contribution will therefore be 21% of the total.

The staff accommodation is excellent (said to be the best in the Eastern Region!) – due to be completed very shortly.  The Asako Trust is monitoring completion and will retain 5% for 6 months to cover glitches.

Projects in the pipeline include Phase 2 development at Eburru – twin science laboratories, 4 classrooms and 2 dormitories.  It is hoped that they have found a local developer to build these at cost price – hopefully around £50k.  The school already has £6600 from CDF funds and hopes to be able to raise another £12500. This would mean that around 38% would be funded locally and a TAS application would come in at £31k.

Progress with the 4 classroom block for Kimphe Langano School is slow. The local group might approach the Education Bureau to build it if we fund it. All avenues are being explored to get a reasonable tender.  If this costs more than the $19000 already in place there will be an application for the balance.

5.  Completion reports

These are an important aspect of the evaluation of projects.  It was agreed that TAS does not need to be involved in the fine details of local trusts’ finances but we do need to know how much projects actually cost and where the funds came from.

6.  Website

This is going well and was much admired by KWS.

It was agreed that TMA and TF would discuss how to adapt the website so as to allow local trusts access to their bit of the site.  They would then be able to input their own requirements and accounts which would be a help to GMA, especially if the number of trusts grows.

7.  Governance

It was agreed that

  • the next meeting would be the AGM with election of officers and presentation of accounts
  • every school would have a link trustee to assist GMA and be involved in presenting applications for funding. JM will do Buheesi, NE will do Eburru, WJ will do Asako and Kimphe Langano, TMA will do Madogo.

8.  Approaches via website

GMA outlined a few direct approaches via the website where schools in Uganda and Kenya had said they wanted to set up local trusts and get funding from TAS.

One of these had been referred to Build Africa who have capacity on the ground in Uganda but it is not known if they will take it on.

It was agreed that for the time being at least we must keep to our strategy of concentrating on Kenya and in particular the Eastern Region.  GMA must be ruthless!

9.  Next meetings

AGM on 4 December.  6pm meeting followed by 8.00pm dinner at the HoC.

Further meetings:  26 Feb,  14 May,  16 July.