Buheesi Secondary School Trust
Minutes of the Board of trustees Meeting Held on 8th July 2008 at the School
Members Present
1. Elijah R Kaahwa - Chairman
2. Tom R Kihika - Vice Chairman
3. Patrick Akora - Secretary
4. Kate Kabagenyi - Treasurer
5. George Karamagi - Trustee
Absent with Apology
1. Sarah Karamagi - Trustee
2. Diane Ellis - Trustee
3. Stephen Kasangaki - Trustee
i. Prayer
ii. Communication from the chair
iii. Update from the UK trustees
iv. Reading of the previous minutes
v. Tender award for the laboratory construction
vi. Sourcing for local trustees
vii. Further development of the Trust
Min. 01/07/2008
The meeting started with a prayer led by George Karamagi who asked for God’s guidance at 2.35 pm.
Min. 02/07/2008: Communication from the Chairman
v In his opening remarks, the chairman welcomed board members to the meeting.
v Thanked them for the sacrifice and dedication they have exhibited for the development of the Trust and the school project in general.
v Highlighted the need to recruit more trustees so that the Trust could grow.
v He informed them that the major purpose of the meeting was the awarding of the tender to the successful bidder for the construction of the science laboratory for which the Board of Governors had given a go ahead.
v Finally wished the trustees fruitful deliberation.
Min.03/BOT/07/2008 Update from UK Trustees
v In his opening remarks, the secretary to the board informed the meeting that TAS had already remitted the first instalment for the construction of the laboratory i.e. 10,000 pounds sterling (approximately Thirty million, three hundred thousand shillings only) which was already in the trust account in Barclays Bank Fort Portal Branch.
v Further informed the meeting that Diane had sent apologis of not attending the board but wished the members fruitful deliberations.
v The secretary further requested all members to identify other projects in the school and ways to raise funds to finance them.
v Ended by wishing the members good deliberations.
Min.05/BOT/07/2008: Tender Award
v The secretary opened the quotations and the evaluation report from the engineer for members’ comments and decision.
Considering the evaluation report from the Engineer and other informal investigations made by different members on the three (3) companies that had bid for the job, the board decided that:
a) The tender fro construction of the 2-room science laboratory be awarded to M/s. R Kyalimpa and M. Kamoga construction company at shs 74,164,596= (Seventy four million, one hundred sixty four thousand five hundred ninety six only).
b) Engineer J. Balewa be appointed works supervising Engineer at shs 2,000,000= (2 million five hundred thousand only).
c) The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer scrutinise again the Bills of Quantities and where necessary negotiate again with the contractors with the view of making savings on the contract price.
d) Construction be phased As prioritised below considering that the currently expected level of funding by our comrades Trust for African Schools (TAS) (about shs 60,000,000= sixty million) is less than the project cost indicated at (a) and (b) above.:
i. Sub structure
ii. Super structure
iii. Roofing
iv. Installation of doors and windows
v. Internal finishing I.e. flooring, walls, plastering and fittings.
vi. External finishing i.e. wall plastering, verandah, runoff channels and fascia boards.
vii. Painting – internal and external.
That arrangement would enable students to start using the long awaited facility pending completion of external features or works.
e) The contractor should be paid only after the Engineer’s certification.
f) When funds run out before project completion, the contractor should be paid up to the phase completed and laid off until more funds are secured.
g) The chairman and secretary should draft a formal contract for that work, highlighting the decisions above, discuss the contents with the contractor and sign it on behalf of the Trust/Board.
h) All trustees carry out serious lobbying for funds to assist meeting th above shortfall (about shs 16,700,000 – sixteen million seven hundred thousand equivalent to about £5,600 – five thousand six hundred pounds sterling.)
Successful completion of this project would be a source of pride for BSST and TAS
i) The shs 75,000= (seventy five thousand) contributed by the Board and parents’ pledges should be deposited in the Trust Bank Account.
j) All trustees carry out frequent works inspections (without technical interference) in order to keep the contractor alert / ensure production of quality work, show interest in the project and keep informed of progress. All observations made should be recorded in the contractor’s book for a review during site meetings.
v A member requested the chairman to give more light on the qualities of the local trustees who can join.
v In his submission, the chairman suggested that anybody can join the trust as long as he/she is interested to work for the development of the community on a voluntary basis and is of good character.
v In the light of the above, the members agreed to contact different personalities in the community on the possibility of joining the trust.
v In the light of the above, the board members identified the need to purchase a manual Duplicating machine for the purposes of printing typed work and installation of solar power to the school as the most urgent issues to handle.
v In the same vein, the members resolved that for further development, a library and Administration offices and computer laboratory should be the next priorities in that order.
v Two plaques be designed and made:
i. To indicate that the science laboratory block was donated by BSST with financial assistance from TAS.
ii. In honour of Mrs Diane Ellis for her great support of the school funding of the science laboratory block through TAS.
The meeting closed at 4.45 pm after a short prayer by Trustee G. Karamagi.