Minutes of the Meeting of the Madogo Secondary School Trust
Madogo Secondary School 20/01/09
Trustees present
Peter Nganga PN
Sarah Cooper SC
Musa Gashago MG
Rukia Yussef RY
Rosania Gwiyo RG
Osman Aden Issec OAI
Apologies: Mike Makau
In attendance: Abas Kunyo AK
Abinther Otiende Lugadiru AOL
Gill Marshall Andrews GMA
Ambia Guyo AG
Ambia Kayo AK2
1. Matters arising from Minutes of the last meeting:
PN opened the meeting with a prayer. He welcomed everyone to Madogo Secondary School and thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
i. Bank Account in Garissa - The deed has now been presented to the bank. AOL raised the issue of high bank fees. GMA wondered whether it was necessary in fact to have a bank account in Garissa. SC suggested that it be held for six months and, if not used, it could then be closed it avoid high bank charges.
ii. Land grabbing - PN suggested that the issue of land grabbing was less relevant as the school land was now more clearly marked. However, there is still a serious problem of people squatting on the land. The provision of a fence was discussed again. SC wondered whether the school could plant trees in order to create a stronger demarcation of their land and prevent people from entering. PN agreed that this would be a good temporary solution.
2. New Classroom Blocks
The classroom blocks are progressing well, though the completion date of January 16th has now passed. The building contractor is having problems with lack of power and has therefore been delayed in installing the window frame and metal grilles.
PN thanked TAS for having undertaken the building of the new classroom block, saying that it gave both the teachers and pupils inspiration to continue working hard. The school has also acquired 90 chairs and 90 desks from the Ministry of Education through the Infrastructural Development Scheme.
3. CDF Funding of the Dormitory
The CDF funding has yet to materialise. PN suggested that the delay might be caused by problems arising from bureaucracy, conflicting interests in the region and ethnicity. He urged TAS to continue funding Madogo Secondary School despite the problems. GMA stressed that TAS UK’s policy was to fund 50% of projects, not 100%, and repeated that there had been an agreement with the local M.P Dr. Nuh Nassir that any funding would be based on a 50-50 split with TAS and CDF money.
PN reiterated his concern that he is likely to lose the support of TAS if CDF funds do not come through. He appealed to the M.P’s representatives to urge the M.P to assist in the matter. GMA made it clear to the meeting that but TAS were very keen to stay involved but that this was contingent on funding agreements being honoured on all sides.
The matter was resolved by the arrival of the CDF secretary. RY stated KSh 1.5M had been earmarked, and that tenders would be awarded by February 2nd. Work could then, in theory, commence on the dormitory.
4. Global Schools Partnership
SC congratulated the meeting on the successful application for partnership between Madogo Secondary School and Waldegrave School. GMA stated that it was an amazing opportunity and was very excited for all those involved. GMA brought letters from pupils at Waldegrave School, T shirts designed by the pupils, books for the Madogo School library and information on both Waldegrave school and the local area to share with the pupils of Madogo Secondary School.
RG was very thankful to Waldegrave School. She hoped that the pupils of Madogo Secondary School would benefit from the exposure and learn about a different culture. PN thanked GMA for the generous gifts. GMA suggests that AOL write to Caroline Croll of Waldegrave School. She stressed the need for good communication for the partnership to succeed.
Proposed dates of travel were discussed. It was suggested that the teachers from Madogo, AOL and RG, would travel to the U.K in April, while the teachers from Waldegrave would visit in July or October. Travel dates to be confirmed.
- AOL to write to Caroline Croll
- AOL and RG to organise passports
- SC to assist AOL and RG with passports, visas and tickets in Nairobi
5. Communication
PN confirmed that there was internet access at school, although it was only available in his office. GMA suggested that he contact different service providers in order to secure a good deal for internet access to all computers in the computer lab.
- PN to obtain at least 3 quotes and submit a proposal to TAS for broadband access.
6. Football Coaching
GMA introduced the concept of Arsenal Football Club’s “gap year” programme. Arsenal Football Club is willing to train gap year students with football coaching skills as well as a certificate in Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL). The idea would be that Madogo Secondary School could receive two or three “gap year” students to come and train their pupils for a period of three months. However, GMA felt that the commitments might be too demanding for Madogo, so was willing to contact Arsenal to see if they would adapt their requirements.
- GMA to contact Arsenal Football Club to discuss requirements for possible future link with Madogo Secondary School
7. Any Other Business
i. GMA raised the idea of work experience for Form IV students at the end of their studies. She suggested that a major employer in town, such as Safaricom or a local bank, could take a couple of students for a month. This could be part of a careers programme to open up opportunities for school leavers. It could also link in closely to income generation projects that the school may undertake, such as brick building or bee keeping. GMA stressed that TAS were very keen to support any such projects that would enhance the students’ life and offer them further training and/or possibility to raise funds.
PN thought it was a very good idea, and was sure that it would help the students. AK believed it would enhance a student’s career prospects and that they would be able to learn new skills. He explained that in some schools there were clubs, known as the 4K club - Kuungana = to unite; Kufanya = to do; Kusaidia = to help; Kenya = our country. The aim of these clubs was to pursue new skills to support the students.
- PN to explore possible options and openings locally, and to report back to MSST.
- PN also to consider possible opportunities for income generating projects and to submit a proposal to TAS.
ii. GMA told the meeting that TAS had employed Harold Omollo Omondi. He will be based in Mwingi, and starts work February 1st 2009. His job is to liaise with KWS and assist the schools linked with TAS.
iii. PN thanked TAS for their continuing support and offered particular support for any economic ventures that would enhance the students’ day to day life, as well as career options.
Next meeting will take place in Nairobi at A.F.Gross’s offices on March 21st.