Members present:
Elijah R. Kaahwa
Tom R. Kihika
Patrick Akora
Kate Kabagenyi
Sarah Karamagi
George Karamagi
Communication from the Chair
Update on the construction-secretary
Contract cost variations
Minutes of previous meeting
Min: 02/BSST/11/2008: Communication from the Chair
Started by apologising for the late coming which was due to lack transport.
Requested the secretary to give reasonable notice at least a week to avoid
interference in other trustees’ programmes.
Requested Trustees to always visit the building and make comments in the
contractor’s diary.
Reported that the building had reached the fixing of doors and windows stage
as the roof had been completed.
Noted that the contractor had given him the prices for doors and windows
which were above the price in the bills of quantities.
Reported that he had contacted different fabricators who had agreed to make
the same items at a much cheaper price.
Reported concern that there is need to renegotiate with the contractors on
the possibility of reducing the price quotations.
Ended by wishing members good deliberations.
Min: 05/BSST/11/2008: Contract Cost Variations.
The chairman read out the prices quoted by the different fabricators as per
the table below.
ItemSSenyonga CO.TAF Co.FM Technical
Door without glass220,000=215,000=246,500=
Window 1500x1500350,000=275,000=304,800=
He further noted that the price for wooden doors had been inflated by the
contractor at 400,000= yet other workshops visited by him and the secretary
respectively had quoted at 270,000= and 285,000=.
Having looked at the different quotations, the board resolved that the
cheapest price would not be considered since its quality of products could
be questionable.
The meeting further resolved that the chairman, secretary and Treasurer
should meet the contractor on Saturday 29/11/2008 at 4.00pm with a view of
further reduction on the cost of windows and doors.
Min: 60/BSST/11/2008: Reading of the Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as a true record of
what was discussed. From the previous minutes it was noted that there is need to
identify more projects for the trust since the science laboratory was nearing
completion. The members thus identified the projects as below.
Class rooms construction
More latrines
Staff houses construction
Library Construction
The Board further resolved that since the number of trustees was nine (09)
members as requested by our friends TAS, other willing members especially
parents and teachers could join the trust as friends of the trust
The Board noted the decision made on the solar panel by the funder and in
view of this resolved that it could not be possible to find another
therefore the solar power installation could be stayed awaiting the rural
electrification programme initiated by the government for the sub county
Having no other matters to discuss the meeting resolved to meet again on
Monday 05/01.2009 at 2.00pm
Finally the meeting closed with a prayer led by Kate Kabagenyi at 5.00pm
Elijah R. Kaahwa Partrick Akora
Chairman Secretary