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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Anthony Gross, Kulisa Shora Kirkicha, Lissa Campbell, Ismail Solola, Mohamed Hassan, Juma Ali Dido, Mark Cheruiyot




Trustees present:            

Anthony Gross – AFG                                                        Kulisa Shora Dirkicha – KD

Gill Marshall Andrews – GMA                                            Lissa Campbell – LC

Ismail F. Solola – IS                                                           Mohamed Hassan – MoH

Juma Ali Dido – JAD                                                          Mark Cheruiyot – MC

Apologies: Tony Fitzjohn – TF

                  Mike Harries - MH

In attendance:

Dr Nuh Nassir MP

Abas Kunyo - AK

Stephen Kameti - SK


  1. The Minutes of the meeting on 21 January 2009 were tabled and passed.

  1. Matters arising

·       Bukao. Total cost of 2 year in-service training in Garissa is 23,700.  He has been a teacher in Asako for 4 years and trustees felt he would stay at Asako for foreseeable future.   Proposal was agreed and will be sent to TAS. Bukao is awaiting to hear if he has been accepted. If he has the course will start in April.

·       Windpump.  Still awaiting report from MH and TF on possibility of drilling deeper.  Later in the meeting, Kulisa said that the windpump is making a rumbling sound and they felt this was because of the salt in the water which was corroding the metal.  It was felt it needed greasing.  No one has been trained or instructed in maintenance of the windpump and more information is needed on how to stop the corrosion. MH to advise.

  1. Staff Housing

·       A copy of the MOU between the Community and TAS was given to JAD, on behalf of the Community.

·       JAD was asked to check that Kimanzi has completed everything on the houses and then once we have written confirmation from him, LC to pay final 10% retention fee.

4.       Funding

·       Book bags.  Animet in Nairobi have agreed to give a discount if we buy 500 bags with Asako Primary School Trust printed on them.  Bags to cost kes275/- each (down from 350/-).  It was agreed that as bags would be property of the school we would need only 400 so LC to ask Animet to keep discount.  IF said they would mobilise community and if bag lost or damaged responsibility of that child to pay for new one. Parent should sign for each bag.  As many cases of book theft it was felt book bags would be very good. Bags to be red to match school uniform.

·       Staff bonus.  103,000/- has been given by TAS to APST for bonuses.  TAS would like to know how APST plan to distribute this money if 8 children obtain the grades.  All teachers to receive same amount if this happens but possibly on top of this individual teachers may receive a bonus if children excel in their subjects.  Teachers must be told about the bonuses as soon as possible to help motivate them.   The results are out on 28 December.  HT to produce paper detailing the breakdown. 

·       Bursaries.  Children to be told that 8 bursaries are to be given to the top 8 children who get 250 points and over.  A proposal to be submitted later in the year.

·       School trips.  Transport is needed for school trips to Garissa for sports, music or drama.  Proposal to be submitted for one trip a term for 30 kids.  Transport costs 400/- per child.

5.  GBP account

·       It was agreed to close the Sterling account as it is no longer being used and we are charged £5 every month for having it. AFG to close it.

6.   Teachers

·         Contracts were given to the HT for the 2 private teachers to complete and sign. Copies to be given to LC.  HT said the performance of both new teachers is very good so far.

·         Nursery Teachers. It was asked if by the end of year 20 pre-school children could read and write then the nursery teachers could receive a bonus. GMA thought this was a good idea. SK asked if it was possible to look at other ways to motivate the teachers other than financial; such as extra training which would mean the teacher would then also add value to the school.  As this has already been tried without success it would felt that we will try the bonus system for now. However TAS would be happy to consider applications from teachers for further training.

·         LC said she had had a meeting with several teachers from Kenton College in Nairobi who expressed interest in helping Asako, possibly with teacher exchanges. LC to follow up.

·         AK asked about his proposal for teacher training and SMC exposure trip. This had been rejected at the previous meeting. AK had sent revised costs.  It was agreed this was something that TAS may look at, if in a revised format, next year.

  1. Income generating projects

·        Bee-keeping. AK has been looking into this although he was hoping to get figures from Ministry of Agriculture yesterday but had been unable to do so.   GMA said TAS needs a proposal stating who would be responsible for the beehives (SMC), who would own the beehives (School) and all the costs. It was also stated that it was very important to have very clear guidelines on all matters relating to the money side and also where the hives would be located to avoid people claiming the hives as their own if they were on their land.  The school is currently trying to expand its land and so the hives could be on this extra land. AFG to give the trustees a template to help them complete a full proposal and SK to assist with the details.

·        KD put forward brick-making proposal. Again local trustees to complete proposal once they have the template from AFG.  MoH to check on brick-making machine that is in Garissa.  SK confirmed that they are a success.  Local trustees to find out what the demand is for bricks and who will use it. 

  1. Any other business

·       The DEO, Alphan Njeru has been transferred.  The new DEO is called Mr Kimani. AK to invite him to our next meeting.

·       As part of the School Development Plan, the school would like a boarding facility.  Officers of Quality Assurance and the DEB have been to Asako and advised that it becomes a boarding school.  However it needs the funds. IF asked that APST put in a proposal for boarding.  One thought was TAS build a girls dormitory and CDF build the boys.  If it is a boarding school the government would give assistance with food. Currently food is donated by the WFP.  IF asked if TAS could build the boys dorm and we wait for CDF to build girls. However GMA said TAS would not invest a large sum of money again until some improvement was seen in the standard of the school.  We need evidence that the school is improving. AFG said that next time TAS would wait for CDF to build first and once that has happened then TAS might be willing to invest.

·       MC said that the water tank bringing water to the school had been broken.  The manufacturer had come to Asako and agreed it was their fault and were going to provide a new smaller but tougher tank.

·       Communication. IF asked if there was any progress with Celtel re mobile coverage in Asako. It was felt that this was the responsibility of the local leaders to follow this up.

·       Current bursaries. LC read out the reports from the 3 children currently receiving bursaries. The boy in Balambala is progressing but the 2 in Madogo had very poor reports. TAS would like all 3 to write letters to TAS explaining their poor performance and saying why they feel TAS should continue to support them.  LC to write to them via their schools. Letters to be ready for next meeting.

9.      Actions

·         MH and TF to submit report on windpump and MH to advise on maintenance.

·         JAD to confirm whether all work on houses has been completed.

·         LC to confirm offer by Animet and submit proposal for bookbags.

·         HT to produce paper detailing breakdown of funding for teacher bonuses.

·         AFG to close Sterling account.

·         LC to follow up with Kenton College.

·         AK to follow up bee-keeping proposal

·         KD to follow up brick making proposal.

·         AK to invite Mr Kimani to the next meeting

·         LC to write to current 3 bursary children.

8.  The meeting ended at 2.10pm.  The next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 3 June 2009 at Madogo.