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Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Cherry Ritchie, Timothy Kagambi, David Morgan, Katie Fjastad, Alice Wangari

Minutes of the meeting of the Trustees of the Green Park School Trust, held on Tuesday March 24th 2009 at 4pm at the lodge
Members Present
Cherry Ritchie,  Gill Marshal Andrews,  David Morgan,  Roselyn Wootton, Kate Fjastad, Timothy Kagambi, Alice Wangari (teacher i/c)
1.  Minutes of the previous meeting 30.01.09 read and signed
2.  School Management
  (a)  A letter from Stuart Armitage was circulated, which confirms that the school is funded and managed by the Golf Complex Company, with the General Manager (Timothy) in charge as school Manager. Timothy is also the representative of the Complex on the trust Committee.
  (b)  Alice confirmed that only children of Complex employees are eligible to register as pupils, with  a few from employees on the residential estate.
  (c)  The school is near completion and expected to be fully operational within the next few weeks
3.  Trust Financial Report
  Cherry reported that cash in the bank stands at shs421,904/- all of which is currently available for use, to provide "added value" to enhance the activities in the school  and must be seen to directly benefit the pupils
4.  Distribution of Funds
  Stuart's letter contained some suggestions for funding assistance.
  (a)  Playground equipment.  Some of the current funds were donated for this purpose. The Trust needs formal application, showing designs with costs, and should include security fencing around the play area.  Alice and Timothy to work on this, with help from Trust members if requested.
  (b)  Furniture and equipment.  Management to present proposals for additions to basic furniture supplied.  Members agreed that there will be need for display areas and activity corners, pin boards etc if these are not included in basic furnishings
  (c)  Power.  Members agreed that funding power supplies would not be an appropriate use of trust funds
  (d)  Enhancement of the curriculum.  Ideas from Alice detailing planned curriculum, and assistance required to be presented at the next meeting
  (e)  Adult Education.  This could be considered once the basic school is up and running, and the trust is willing to help when the time comes
  (f)  Transport to Loldia. The members agreed , that for the moment funds available to be used directly for the benefit of the school pupils in attendance at the school
  (g)  Christmas party.  Help to organise and fund this will continue
5  Any Other Business
(a)  Cherry asked the management to confirm that books donated to the school about two years ago are still in safe keeping and ready for use in the new classrooms Alice to find out and report
  (b)  School Terms.  The Trust repeats the suggestion that the school operate throughout the year, as currently, following national school terms, children are left unattended during the holidays, as their parents are still at work.
  (c)    Health and Safety.  There are some issues of health and safety that need to  be urgently addressed before the school opens, particular reference to power points in classrooms (near the floor), high wall cupboards, opening and closing of both doors and windows, toilet arrangements and security, and the immediate surroundings of the building - ditches and holes Possible flooding.
  (d)  Trust secretary.  Cherry is standing down as secretary but is willing to continue to act as treasurer. It was agreed that both chairing and taking minutes at meetings can rotate.  Timothy and Kate to become signatories on the cheque account..
Date of next meeting.  To be arranged as soon as the school is up and running and proposals for funding have been received (on the trust forms)
Meeting closed at 6pm
DJM   25.03.09
Hard copies to Alice and Pastor (parent rep) Cherry to do this please.