MINUTES OF MEETING HELD WED 12TH APRIL 2006 at Eburru Secondary School.
1. Present, Gill Marshall Andrews, Evans (HM), Solomon (DH) David Morgan, Val Corr, Jan Strevens.
2. Apologies from Lilly.
3. The minutes, having been read by all, were passed as correct. Proposed by V Corr and seconded by D Morgan.
4. There were no matters arising as all points would be discussed under the agenda.
i. Kenya Education Segment Program has minuted that the school requires new classrooms. 1.6 million was asked for. It has been minuted that 900.000/- has been approved.
ii. CDF Constituency Development Fund provide bursaries for specific students. None had been received this year (70,000/- last yr.)
iii. Ministry of Ed Bursary Committee, no word (last year 50.000/-0
iv. No new teachers had been funded. Have 4 Govt teachers 3 teachers employed by parents.
v. 133 on roll 33 boarders 16 girls 17 boys.
i. A second tender for the renovation was studied. It appeared to be slightly less than the one received last month. After much discussion it was agreed that DM goes ahead and gives Masila the contract.
ii. Evans was very anxious that this work starts straight away as the school was on holiday, but DM was more cautious and stated that he did not want to compromise the work due to rushing into agreements.
iii. Re location of pupils could be possible if the work was not finished by the beginning of the term. DM agreed to work out a planned execution of the work and a planned programme for payment
iv. It was agreed that any specification change by must be approved and costed by DM BEFORE it was done..
v. DM was thanked for taking charge of this project.
7. BURSARIES. Evans reported that he had sent the invitation to agreed Primary Schools for the 10 bursaries offered by the trust. He reported that this was well received by the schools and felt that it would provide incentive to the schools and the students.
i. Gill explained how the Project Proposal Form would work and 4 sample forms were completed for bursaries/water harvesting/teacher employment and Ecologically friendly cooking stoves. These proposals would then be put on the web to attract donors. Once the projects had been completed a similar form would be used to evaluate.
ii. Gill said that the web site was ready and just waiting for an update. Heritage had agreed to find sponsors for the brochures and she was waiting for the logos.
iii. She suggested that the minutes of the Trustees meetings were put on the web. This was agreed.
iv. Gill read out the ecotourism blurb to be included in the property file.
v. Computers Gill said that it was possible to obtain computers for £ 40 Each to include delivery. (because we had trust status) It was agreed that Gill investigate further despite the fact that there still was no electricity in the school she said that forward planning was essential.
9. Cheque signatures. It was agreed that the secretary's signature should always be on the cheque, together with one other signatory. It was confirmed that a quorum is any 3 trustees.
1. Quality of teaching. DM said that it would really help the teachers if they had a good reference library and said that it was possible to obtain reference books from Brixton free of charge and free delivery to NBI Library. Gill agreed to meet him in UK next month and select these books.( because we are trust status)
Val Corr told the Eburru school that the GP Bicycle Race would be on Sat 23rd Sept. and that the funding would be for Eburru.
She also said that the planning for the Silent Auction is going really well and 70% of the proceeds would be going to Eburru Trust,.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING MONDAY 3RD JULY 11.15 a.m.. at Eburru Sec. School.
GMS ... To complete the information for the Web site.
Investigate computers
DM To meet with contactor etc.,
To meet GMA in Brixton to choose books
JS Minutes of meeting and distribute to all trustees. Photocopy 4 project proposals and give to GMA. Photocopy draft brochure and distribute for proof reading.
VC to continue with the bursaries, recording , choosing collecting etc.
VC JS DM to proof read brochure.