Minutes of inaugral meeting - 11th June 2009
Trustees Present: Sanjmi Kent (TAS External Trustee), Christopher Nzili (TAS Lawyer & External Trustee), Stephen Kasovo (Head Teacher), Musyoki Mulaki (Chair SMC), Patrick Mukora (Teacher), Peninah Muthengi (Parent & Teacher)
Also present: Agnes Mulaki (Teacher), John Mutisa (Parent), John (DEB & Parent), Benjamin Mulaki (Parent), Stephen Kameti (TAS), Lissa Campbell (TAS), Joseph Nyongesa (Warden Kora), Njoki Kimotho, Hellen Ndeti, Harriet Matsaert.
1. Head teacher welcome TAS and led an introduction of the parents and teachers present. Stephen Kameti followed with an introduction of the TAS team present.
2. Lissa Campbell briefed all on TAS. Explanation included the role of the TAS board in UK, number of schools within the trust, need for a brochure to aid in fundraising. Examples of projects for funding were given, along with an explanation of the forms which need to be filled.
3. It was decided that Sanjmi Kent would be the secretary for the trust. Also mentioned was that the next meeting would be in September.
4. Stephen Kameti explained the need for a parent as a trustee. Peninah Muthengi was appointed.
Mwendwa Kimwele was removed from the list of trustees as he has moved to Meru.
5. Christopher Nzili talked about the legalities of the trust in Kiswahili so all could understand.
6. It was decided that Sanjmi Kent, Christopher Nzili, and Musyoki Mulaki would be signatories to the Trust bank account. All cheques to be signed by two of the above.
7. Bank forms and the Trust forms were then signed. Copies of the trust deed to be sent to all.
8. Finished the meeting with fabulous entertainment from the students. Also a donation of books etc by Harriet Matsaert from ISK to the school.
9. Next meeting to be arranged - sometime in Sept.