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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Norma Empringham, Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Will Jones, Luke Morris, Gill Marshall-Andrews




Present:  Norma Empringham, Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Will Jones, Luke Morris,  Gill Marshall-Andrews

Apologies:   Tim Flower, Johnnie Morris, Luke Morris, Tom Marshall-Andrews,

1.  The minutes of the meeting on 20 May 2009 were agreed.

2.  Developments in Mwingi / Kora – Stephen Kameti’s report

This was discussed.  Trustees were delighted with his quarterly report which showed that the four new trusts have been set up.  Each has an external professional person as secretary and ‘champion’. 
There is a proposal for funding from each of the new schools. The primary schools have requested emergency food for the children as many of them have moved away in search of food because of the drought.  There was a discussion about whether this was an appropriate use of TAS funds and it was agreed that in general it is not.  However, as this is a clear priority for the new Ikathima and Kalumu Primary School Trusts, it was agreed that in the current severe drought an exception would be made.
The bank accounts will hopefully be set up within the next few weeks.

3.  Other developments
i)  Asako – water disputes between school, community, and KWS have hopefully been resolved at least temporarily.  The book bags have been delivered.  Kate Hargreaves has replaced Lissa Campbell as trust secretary.
ii)  Madogo – 3 Waldegrave teachers are shortly to visit the school and there is much excitement all round.  Plans for a soil block making project are well advanced.  The dormitory renovation is proceeding.
iii)  Eburru -  still no progress with the science lab.  A holiday revision programme is being run this August
iv) Green Park – the children are finally in the new school.  No further details are available.
v)  Kimphee Langano – Terri O’Sullivan is leaving.  She will be replaced as secretary of the Self Help Group by Yohannes Assefa, MD of Red Jackal Tours based in Addis. The school also has a new Director Ukula Nure.  At a recent meeting the community agreed to contribute labour and some materials to the classroom project so it may be possible to get the price down in line with the £30k TAS has earmarked. 
vi)  Buheezi – the final sum was paid to complete the science lab.  Further funding for projects will be raised by Di Ellis and friends.

4.  Finance
There is circa £60k in the bank account.  Luke has raised nearly £5k from the 10km run and a donation from a grateful client.  This was much welcomed.
£13.5k has been allocated to the science lab at Eburru and £30k to classrooms in Kimphee Langano so there is a balance of available funds of around £17k.

5.  Project funding
The following allocations were agreed with some provisos.
Eburru Secondary – Revision programme £500
Madogo Secondary – ISSB machine for making soil blocks  £700
Kalumu Primary – emergency food for children £1900 – no further funding for this would be agreed
Ikathima Primary – emergency food for children £1600 – no further funding for this would be agreed
Mivukoni Secondary – Holiday revision programme £750
Usueni Girls Secondary – Books £500

6.  30 November 2009 – Fund raising event
The Macmillan Room can take up to 100 people
Trustees agreed to share the cost of refreshments – drink and nibbles
Ben agreed to send out invitations and collate responses.
Gill to get invitation printed.
Will will send out invitation to premier clients in Sept.
Action:  BH, GMA, WJ

7.  Leaflets
A draft A4 leaflet was discussed.  This is primarily to send out to 2000 clients on Will’s database.  It will replace the current TAS leaflet for the time being.  Amendments were discussed to make the relationship between TAS uk and the local trusts clearer. This will be printed in August and sent out early Sept.
Draft leaflets for the 4 new schools  will be ready for Gill to take out in Sept.
Action:  WJ and GMA

8.  Good Earth Trust
An outline joint TAS / GET project was presented to Waterloo Foundation.  This would involve one ISSB building in each of the four new schools  - either classrooms, staff accommodation, dormitory, latrines or water tank etc.  GET would train the contractors and groups in each community.  In each case a model building would be designed with help from a supportive Nairobi architect.  The process would be documented and would serve as a model for future buildings.
Waterloo Foundation are restricting their funding for building projects and prefer to look at school improvement on a holistic basis.
The project will be worked up as a formal proposal for the new year.
Action:  GMA

9.  Criteria of Success
Norma presented draft criteria of success.  This involves a base line assessment and the assumption of TAS support for 5 years.  All to get suggestions to Norma for final document by 28 August so Gill can take out in Sept.  Waterloo Foundation are interested in seeing it.
Action:  NE

10.  Science Equipment
A large quantity of science equipment – 50 boxes – has been donated by West Anglia college. 
A charity ‘Aviation without borders’ is investigating prospect of flying it out free to Nbo.  It could then go to Eburru if they get their science lab going or otherwise to another secondary – Madogo, Mivukoni or Usueni.
Action:  GMA

11.  Website
This is constantly being updated and remains an excellent site giving a complete picture of what TAS is doing.  It also provides downloadable documents for local trusts eg funding proposal forms, trust deeds etc.
Stephen Kameti made some suggestions in his first report to define more clearly what a local trust is and what it is not.  We will get this onto the site asap.
Action:  JM

12.  Lissa Campbell
Hopefully Lissa will attend the next meeting and will then formally become a trustee.
Luke to be asked to provide any necessary documentation
Action:  LM

13.  Next meeting 6pm Wed 23 September 2009 at Portcullis House.