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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Renovations finished at Eburru School

The renovations are now finished at Eburru School.  Everyone agrees the work has been completed to a high standard.  Classrooms have been enlarged, roofs renewed, walls replastered, floors relaid.  The building has a 'cared for' feel about it and students are proud of their new, clean airy school.  A big 'thank you' is due to Bonnik Hansen who funded the renovations.