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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Partners for Change

TAS trustee Gill Marshall-Andrews today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kalonzo Musyoka Foundation, the brainchild of Kenya's Vice President, Stephen Kalonzo, who has raised funds for educational bursaries for over 700 students over the last 2 decades.

As the funding increased, KMF was established 3 years ago to formalise this charitable activity.  The Foundation now places particular emphasis on peace and education initiatives and TAS is honoured to be working in partnership with them.

Mike Makau, who works with the Foundation on education and democracy issues has agreed to become a founder trustee of the Madogo Secondary School Trust and attended the inauguration of that body on 22 May 2008.  His expertise and experience will be invaluable.