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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

New laboratories in Buheesi

Two new science laboratories were opened at Buheesi Secondary School on 28th March 2009 , attracting much local and National interest. The two laboratories, new administration rooms and new latrines for girl students and staff were formally opened with much joy and celebration. The Ugandan minister for Local Government, Adolph Mwesige and TAS supporter Diane Ellis cut the ribbon and opened the memorial plaque, with local MP Margaret Muhanga , District Education Officer, Victoria Businge and Chief Administration Officer Soloman Kalibwanyi in close attendance. The event was recorded (with much factual error!) in the National Ugandan newspaper, New Vision.

The students wrote and sang a special composition commemorating the event and entertained the many guests with poetry, songs and traditional dance. A celebratory meal was offered to all guests and students - about 500 people in all.

The two laboratories are well constructed and have been wired ready for when the National Electricity supply reaches the village. The builders were congratulated for the high quality of their workmanship. The BSST – in particular the Chair of the Trust, Elijah Kahwa and the head teacher  Patrick Akora were praised for their efforts in ‘stretching’ the money they were donated to allow the construction of two administration rooms and the new latrines in addition to the laboratories and prep rooms.  Each window of one of the laboratories has had the TAS logo incorporated into the security screens, while the other has had ‘Diane’ built into the screens. TAS was praised for its model of operation for the distribution of the funds so efficiently.

There was a sense of joy and optimism in the whole of the local community at the ceremony and the students seemed enthusiastic about the whole project and their improved chances for learning science. As a demonstration of how the gesture of building the laboratories has acted as a stimulus to further developments, the Minister for Local Government authorised the building of two new much needed classrooms. The head teacher has informed me that these are currently being plastered inside and will be ready for the new term at the end of May. Equipping the labs was also seen as a priority by the local administrative staff.

The next priority is to set up water harvesting so that water is available to the site, as well as solar panels to provide power. A new library and staff/student study room will also be needed urgently to house new books