Recent News 
(Click to view archive news)
Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)
Local report

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TAS-KWS Project Updates

This report exposes TAS activity implementation between June and end September 2017 and some information of what is happening and what is to happen by December 2017. In it the following is captured.

1. Current TAS supported project implementation status.

2. Other key project happenings

3. Up to come projects (strategic events /activities).

4. KWS project partnership status.




Implementation status



4 Classroom renovation

Contractor at the site start of this month and some  materials already mobolised:- sand, ballast and part of the construction stone(machine cut stone)

The contractor is willing to move on even without the first payment because when rains start, it might be very difficult to mobilize some materials.

Solar installing at the girls hostels.

Not yet started

Contractor waiting for funds to enable him purchase materials.

Trip /exposure tour

To be implemented when schools close or early next year.

This is due to ministry policy; No school tour 3rd term unless special permission is given by ministry.

Kaseluni primay school.

Construction of two classroom.

Contractor at the site mobilizing materials. Sand, Ballast partly at the school. Organising building stones to come in before rains start.

The place is a hard to after rains therefore contractor trying to get main construction materials at the site before rains.


Waiting for the funds to be available.


To be carried when schools close due to ministry policy.

No school tour in the third term.

El rar primary school

Education day

To be implanted when schools are closed; possibly closing day.

The head teacher has requested special ministry to carry on the activity during the school term time. If this is graded the event will occur November.

Madogo secondary school

Library equipment

Contractor has started mobilizing materials

The school in preparation of use of the  library, they have started covering and bidding available books  to be used at the library.

Boka primary school

Study Banda

Contractor at the site and most of material mobilized and the site:- roofing materials , wall stones and poles

The contractor waiting for the 50%  1st payment though he has done almost 30% without the funds.



The contractor doing the finishes. Almost 90% done.

The contractor was doing some other work in the area and it was convened and cheaper for him to bring huge amount of materials. He  agreed with the school to constract the  library and wait for payment whenever the funds will be available.

Trip / exposure tour.

To be implemented when schools are on holiday..

 This has staggered since last year due to complication of transport.

The trip since then has been re-routed to Garissa town and environs.


a)  Mitamisyi secondary school in support of plastic bags ban and creating environmental awareness to surrounding communities,developed an event dubbed "school and community Environmental Day". They went out into the nearest shopping center with brooms, sticks,  shovels, wheelbarrows and matchbox to burn the litter. It was a rear, exciting and to be remebered event! Teachers, local community and the students participated.

b) Kaseluni,Boka and Mitamisyi primary schools managed to receive  one TSC teacher each.  This happened last term and has given the two schools real teaching staff boost.

There is serious staff shortage in all our schools though this is not an isolated case.  This is a national cry. The government plans to reduce the shortage gradually. The worst affected of our schools is El ear which has two teachers only against six classes.

a) Mitamisyi in anticipation of getting support to build a huge tank (150,000) in partnership with ASDF is mobilising materials with high energy. Sand is almost enough, ballast and stones going on. The school community is very positive on the project and has all great hopes.

Some of the Local stones for the tank seen above



Conservation Education Day. There is increasing environmental degradation around Kora park and Mwingi reserve especially due  charcoal  burning. Boka and Kaseluni primary schools plans to  hold a conversation day each.  They will  involve other surrounding schools and local communities.

The day will be marked with conservation activities;(eg town cleaning, tree planting ), conservation message by pupils through  poems, play, songs etc.  Local leaders will be invited and Ministry of Education department expected to participate.There will also be a screen to streamline conservation messages and other relevant information. KWS Education is expected to participate. Possibly media to be there to help pass the message.


The situation of kws financial management and transmission still murky due to  current introduced financial management policy.  TAS funds for 2017/18 come through to Kenya kws account OK however it's access and operation has been a bit difficult. This has delayed renewal of TAS coordinator contract yr 2017/8 (Appraisal form signed this month 5th) it is hoped renewal of the contract will take place next month.

Kws is currently doing organizational restructuring and some of this issues is hoped to be addressed. There will be a Director in charge of Finance and its application. The new director has a good background  of projects. Deputy Director  in charge of Resource mobilization is working on reverting of side-salary funds. TAS secretary has already officaillycommunicated to him on the same.


Working relationship;  generally working relationship between TAS coordinator and KWS team has remained mutual. Assistant Director -Eastern Conservation Area has remained very supportive even within very limited organizational resources.

Transport; the project vehicle still broken and no funds to repair. TAS Coordinator uses the contingency transport to visit the schools. So far the transport has been very helpful.



TAS Coordinator which to convey sincere appreciate to TAS-UK trustees  and by extension waterloo foundation for continued financial support and other relevant supports.

It’s a joy and privilege serving the less disadvantaged children and communities


It’s all team work and as we said; “IF WE DON’T WHO WILL”

Always grateful!

Stephen; TAS/KWS Project Coordinator..