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Local report

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TAS-KWS Project update.

This report makes a quick overview of project happenings between the periods April to end September 2019. The report exposes main achievements, shortcomings and school plans going forward.

During this period not much heavy financial projects were undertaken but it was encouraging to experience growth of Forest School- FS concept integrated in most of schools even without external funding. Excitingly trying what they can within their means and against very harsh climatic condition. Children are increasingly becoming involving in development of their school matters especially on conservation. Guidance and appropriate resources is eminently what they require.

Getting appropriate education and life skills is eminently what  this children need and long for. “Eyes full of future”.


1.      Forest Schools – FS initiative.

i)                    A joint TAS Project, Kitui County and Wildlife Clubs of Kenya –WCK Forest Schools –FS event at Kaseluni Primary school. During the meeting Parents, Teachers and Pupils were furtherly sensitized on conservation maters, given basic information on tree planting/care and planting of tree exercise carried.

ii)                  A joint Tree planting occasion at Jarajara primary school by National Youth Service – NYS[1] team in partnership with the school community. NYS is immediate neighbour to the school.  For a long time they had a mutual co-existence.

2.      Construction of Kitchen building including pantry room at Kora secondary school. The school was cooking in an almost open space. A lot of firewood used to be wasted and compromise of hygiene.

The school used to be housed by Asako primary school and now they are on their own and all had to start at the scratch.

3.      At Kaseluni the project entered into mutual intervention partnership with local Member of Parliament. TAS to construct two classes and the MP to do one. TAS did their part and the MP is doing his part (to be through mid-October’19).

4.      Jarajara primary in the spirit of environmental conservation, carried Jarajara town cleaning exercise dubbed   clean town our pride.  “It was their day of taking back to society” the Head Teacher said.

5.      TAS project Coordinator successful meeting with Kitui County minster for Environment and consequently the county agreeing to support and partner with schools in Forest Schools program. They have already supplied Kaseluni primary with 200 trees seedlings and more to come when November rains start.

6.      Construction of a contingency Head teacher house at school compound.

7.      Construction of Staff unit completed at Jarajara primary school. At least five staff housed now at the school compound including the Head Teacher.

8.      Signing and application of child protection document by school heads and teachers. Mandatory for the school heads. Signed Copies are kept at the respective schools  at TAS Project file.

The achievement and transformations pictorial.

Synergy and innovation – Jarajara primary school; case study

Last year the school community passionately requested TAS for support to pipe, pump and distribution of water into their school from National Youth Service- NYS waterpump (build beside all season Tana River) approx. 1 km away.  The project coasted kshs 300,000 with TAS contributing 250,000 and  school community 50,000 as their Local Contribution –LC. See pic.1

In June, National Youth Service - NYS (which neighbours the school) provided free seedlings and volunteered to carryout planting exercise together with the school children around the staff quarters. The staff quarters construction was  funded by TAS at a cost of 2.7 million KES.

 It was a day of excitement and great achievement

A story of; “A bond created by common destiny

Action time. Pic 2

The water piping going on. Pic 1















The school is already experiencing positive popularity and population increase is expected due to this innovative work-together synergy. The Head Teacher is quoted saying “I can see in near future our school becoming all round centre of Excellency”

Jarajara primary school is a special a show case study where different partners overtime have built a strong and very encouraging support synergy on the school development matters. This team consist of parents, individual philanthropists, NGOs and governments and TAS .  To some degree, it all started when TAS came in with arrangement of Local School Trust –LST.




Active and increased parents’ participation; a case of Kaseluni primary school.

Over the years parents’ commitment role in mobilising Local Contribution- LC has increased. Though poor, they are able to raise their non-cash contribution. Parents used to shy off whenever direct financial input was required. Now TAS and other partners are meeting high percentage of this. Picture 3; part of Hard-core stones, sand and ballast mobilised by parents in anticipation to constructing the huge tank in partnership with African Sand Dam Foundation – ASDF (a local NGO). Project not yet funded.


Parents LC; material mobilization going on. Pic 3











The TV here is a several purpose intervention: - getting current news, learning using selected CDs, entertaining and a pull together thing. The school administration hopes this will be an attraction for students to join the school

This is the only school in the area with such facility. Project funded by TAS.

Innovative learning through TV; Mitamisyi secondary school.

Pic 4

Pic 4












Forest School – FS Program Kaseluni primary.

Pic 5; a & b


April -11- 2019














Fencing off the school compound has raised their confidence as their trees will be safe. Though still dry season, they are asking for more trees seedlings to plant. Fencing funded by TAS at a cost of 1.4 million KES.

Special energy. Kaseluni is chronically a drought prone zone. This has never shaken determination of the children to establish forest at their school whatsoever.





Pic. From left; WCK-Director, HT, kitui county officer and parents chair in blue trouser.







School Equipping; Kora secondary school.

Procurement and use of Chairs and lockers for Kora secondary school. The project was funded by TAS at a cost of  kshs 343,000 .The school initially was housed by Asako primary school on borrowed facilities. The new desks give them higher esteem. One student was quoted saying “now we feel we’re in secondary school; not like in primary sitting on desks”

The school principal said “it’s expected the improved self-esteem will go along improving academic grades and also student population”



Pic 6

Pic 7













Matching Funding;  CDF classroom at Kaseluni primary

Construction of one more classroom at Kaseluni primary school. The work started mid-July and it’s expected to be complete October ‘19.  The partnership agreement between TAS Project and  local MP was TAS to build two classrooms and the MP through Constituency Development Fund –CDF to build one.

TAS has already done its part. Two classrooms at a cost of 2 million KES.



Note; after completion of works, all this debris will be cleared by the contractor and trees to be planted at the site. The shows earlier classroom wall stands; now knocked down.

Pic 8












i.                     Guidance and Counselling – G & C; Asako Primary sch.

Apart from normal teaching, teacher Jacinta provides Guidance and Counselling –G&C to the pupils especially girls aged 10 years and above.

To curb indiscipline and other related vices in schools, government has encouraged use of G&C approach.

In future the school plans to establish a formal Peer Counselling –PC Program. 

Special self-initiated and supported program; Asako primary school.







Pic 9




Renovation of staff quarters at Asako primary school – these were built with TAS funding in 2010.. Teachers who are using the quarters are supposed to maintain the premises including repairs. They have created a joint account for that purpose.The houses are 11 years old and basic repairs required. Two rooms and pavement done.  The plan is to do the work in phases based on their financial capability.


Asako staff houses repair.

Pic 10












Staff accommodation Mitamisyi secondary and Jarajara primary.

This is a crucial element as schools pursue boarding program at their respective schools. It’s a requirement from Ministry of Education for children boarding program. In response to this, two staff housing projects where undertaken at Mitamisyi (emergency/contingency Head teacher house and Staff quarters at Jarajara primary school. See pcs 11 and 12 respectively.

In promotion of girl-child education, the school started girls boarding program; some girls had to travel 7kms one way. The school had to find a way of staying at the school else the boarding be closed by ministry.

This was a quick fix house for the school head and now the girls boarding program can go on. Real relief.

The school principal very happy (in front of his room in white shirt). Another male teacher keeping him company; next room. 2 single rooms only

The house was built with very minimal input from TAS; much of it came from school community.

At least seven teachers are yet to be accommodated

The back side of the staff quarters – main house. Beside it is kitchen (A common cooking facility for the teacher boarders). The package also contains two toilets and two bathrooms unit. Can accommodate up to 8 single teachers.

PIC 12; a &b


Some of the teachers outside their rooms within the staff quarters.


                PIC 11


























Other information.

1.      Schools candidates for KCSE and KCPE.


YEAR 2018

YEAR 2019








Kaseluni primary








Mitamisyi secondary








Boka primary








El rar primary







Not yet class 8. Last year’18

Asako primary







Boys dropped, girls increased.

Kora secondary







No form 4 class 2018.

Jarajara primary







The class was small since start. Girls increase seen.


Emerging issues

i)                    Drought and its effect

There is a probable looming famine which might affect learning if there will be no government intervention through school feeding program. Last season rains weren’t enough to sustain crops growth within the area of TAS operation.  The most affected months will be September to December.

 Most of the TAS-KWS project communities are peasant farmers and Pastoralists. They rely on rains to sustain their crops and livestock. Since January this year, there has been insufficient rains to sustain the livelihood of the communities. The situation may affect learning through erratic absenteeism or complete removal of children from school as their parents sometimes move with them to areas with food or in such of casual jobs.

ii)                  Need for Guidance and counselling program in schools

Guidance and Counselling has taken big portion in school management within both children and school workers. It is taken as an alternative to cane. It is referred as “soft and user friendly cane”. Ministry has recommended this to curb indiscipline and in promotion of Child protection policy.

Our partner schools have hoped and opted to set up Peer Counselling program in their respective schools. They will require financial support to hire expert to set up the program. The government has recommended this to happen but no resource allocation at least for the time being.This is important and urgent intervention.

Child Protection-CP policy is also implemented through guidance and counselling department. Ministry has already directed schools to secure its implementation. The schools are having females teachers assigned to girls issues

Upcoming main activities.

        I.            Full implementation of forest school program at Kaseluni primary school by November ‘19.  The program to include training the project implementers. This is the main pilot school for the Forest School -FS Program. It is expected the program  to get support from several partners:-

County government, Forest department, Kenya Wildlife Services –KWS and Wildlife Clubs of Kenya – WCK.

WCK has already identified Kaseluni as their partner on wildlife program.

      II.            Implementation of mitamisyi secondary strategic intervention program – phase 1.  Key projects staff units and Boys dormitory. To be ready by end January’20. Program to be implemented by school community in partnership with TAS. The implementation is expected to start late October 2019. They have finalised on tendering on the main projects.

    III.            Reconstruction of Boka study Banda by October ’19 as a pre-condition to jump-start TAS partnership operation with the school. Initial construction workmanship of the Banda wasn’t proper. The project was funded by TAS.

    IV.            Renovation of Asako primary school classrooms and pupils hostels. The facilities over the years, are becoming dilapidated and even some of them near to collapsing. Local school community team are doing what they can but the situation is almost running out of control. At least the team is at the elementary level organising proposal materials to source for funding.

      V.            Promotion and up-scaling of FS Program possibly in partnership with local media. Getting the story and the dream out there.  Possibility of partnering with media teams on pro-bono arrangements.

    VI.            Visit by TAS Secretary and Nairobi based trustees to schools. This is to happen before end of school term three (end of October 2019). KCSE Exams will continue up to end November.

VII.            County 10,000lts plastic Tanks support program. Jarajara in Garissa , Mitamisyi secondary and Kaseluni  primary schools are earmarked by  their respective counties to benefit. This is yet to happen.

VIII.            Professional documentation of TAS intervention with a possibility of using the document for the purposes of local fundraising. Getting TAS story and the dream out there.  Possibility of partnering with media teams on pro-bono arrangements.

Tell TAS story more professionally. 

NYS; A government department constituted to train youth on service to Nation. They are also trained on basic para-military drills. They are processed to become real disciplined citizens.  [1]